I Am Not Your Dream Girl

I’m not the place you can go to run away from all your accountability, I’m not the one who will drown out your self hatred with my adoration.
I won’t fix you, and I will get mad when you exchange your integrity for soulless gain.
I am more then this absolutely stunningly beautiful physical body I have.

And I won’t bring myself down a peg for the sake of whatever perspective you want to force on me so I see your side.

I see my immense value, how do you think I see yours?

I am not your dream girl.

I am the unbridled essence of everything that is Human.

I am the one that demands honesty, that tells you omitting important information is just as bad as lying.

I am the one that leaves you after you hurt me, or fails to show up for me how I deserve.

And still apologizes for anything I have done wrong.

I am the woman brave enough to take a knee when I fuck up, and move with more grace and an immeasurable amount of accountability.

Everything I demand from you, I demand from myself.

I am the woman that tells you waiting to tell someone something important till its convenient for you, means you’re weak.

I am not your dream girl.

You cannot cower and run away from your own power here.

You may not hide in my bosom from your honor.

I will submit only to that which holds me in honesty, safety, and brazen integrity wielded like a shameless shield in this world as it crumbles to the might of empathy.

I am not your dream girl.

I expect to be earned, I and if you expect my trust right away you do not deserve it.

I am not your dream girl.

I am so much fucking more.

8 responses to “I Am Not Your Dream Girl”

  1. Craig McGuinn Avatar
    Craig McGuinn

    The description you gave when it comes to who you are sounds like what I would refer to as a dream girl who has unicorn level green flags.

    I would argue that a girl who would allow herself or those closest to her to avoid taking accountability and/or whose words and actions do not match would not be traits I would consider any dream girl to have.

    The term “dream girl” is completely subjective anyway. What’s important is the qualities we decide to use in order to describe dream girls

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Awe thank you, I’m glad you feel that way.

  2. Mack C Harding Avatar
    Mack C Harding

    Really love this one though I’m not positive how to reply… u should never make urself less than just so another feels more secure or comfortable… u do have immense self worth & potential… however there are things far more important than cash. Do not make cash what defines u or makes u feel important or good about urself and do not let it become an excuse to do anything & everything… u are still my dream girl… but that title has no boundaries or limitations or expectations or responsibilities… it’s just u… the girl that…. lol I should shutup.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      this comment makes no sense darling LOL
      Never once was cash even mentioned.
      I think you’re projecting,
      glad im still your dream girl 😉

  3. Carl Avatar

    This is an amazing take from someone who has seen her share of objectification and more. People think women are objectified for their bodies, but you’ve pointed out that women can also be objectified to simply fill a purpose. Men idealize women in the delusion that they will ignore their flaws and lift them to a higher place JUST BE BEING WITH THEM. For men like this, fact that she is a woman with her own life is beside the point.

    It’s sad the relationship didn’t work for you, but you grew in a positive way. But doesn’t it stink when you wonder if the silver lining is worth the loss?

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      everything is always worth it, we are never broken simply broken open.

      1. Carl Avatar

        See, THIS is why I read your blog. Thank you!

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