Is She Really Crazy?

You wanna know what happened to me when I started outting abusers on my Instagram, you wanna know what happened when I finally really called people out for their behavior?
When I stopped the disassociated unconditional love and forgiveness and decided to be AUTHENTIC.
You wanna know what the defense was? You can probably guess

“she’s crazy”

Do you know how common this is? It’s like my eyes have been blasted open, everytime a woman speaks out about someone


Accused of “seeking attention”

It’s fucking pathetic.

And its a natural invalidation towards the person calling out the bullshit inhumane behavior.

Nice reflector panel babe, must suck to have a wrecking ball in your castle made of cards makin them all fall.
Pretty sad you run so far away from accountability, instead of takin that knee, that you gotta call her crazy, accuse her of searching for attention, when really all she wants is JUSTICE.

The worst part is how much our society enables this.

Come on, wake up.

Brittney Spears? Guess who was being controlled and abused beyond what we can even comprehend? Remember all that? Amy Winehouse? Now we know what she was enduring, what she went through.
Its the classic textbook format for abuse.
Hurt them, invalidate them, and if they snap use it as evidence for how crazy they are. And the press loved making these women and so many others “crazy”.
Take a good look at our society, all the different moments we have all called someone crazy.

Is She Really Crazy? Men too. Is He Really Crazy?

Or are we a society that was built on the opposite of empathy.

Since going balls deep into my healing journey, yeah I said that, shame doesn’t belong here and I’ll speak how I please.
Since doing that, since hearing countless others stories exactly like mine, even people who shared the same abusers, liars, etc, I noticed…

Is She Really Crazy?

Sometimes, they really are crazy, dangerous, and need help.

But what’s been wild to discover, majority of the time, they are someone who has been wronged, and the perpetrator, in an attempt to save face, they label the person speaking out who’s unashamed and unafraid and trying to save the next person, as


I no longer seek approval from people who never truly wanted what was best for me.

I no longer want people who can’t handle real accountability, to like me.

I’d rather be “crazy” 😉

16 responses to “Is She Really Crazy?”

  1. Joshua Escandon Avatar
    Joshua Escandon

    I think you are perfect and would like to record your next album. I support you!

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Awe!!! You’re lovely.
      DM me on Insta.

  2. @bighexshark Avatar

    Society is so easy to dismiss mental, verbal, and physical abuse. ESPECIALLY with people that have experienced a lot of trauma and young people. People rather live in denial because it’s easier to accept. But unfortunately that is not the reality. It’s almost always done in the dark behind closed doors. The abusers are are usually people that you would never think, would do something like that.

    There’s a Japanese proverb which I love. They say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are! Abusers and manipulators are experts at hiding their 3rd face. These People have spent years learning and and mastering their craft of deceit and manipulation.

    Proud of you for calling them out, I know it wasn’t easy. People often never call out their abusers due to fear of being called crazy and a lier. Empathy is some that is definitely missing from this world, it has been replaced with greed, and self fulfillment. People need to realize, people aren’t born “crazy”, people are made “crazy” by abusers and manipulators, that have fed them lies and twisted their reality over the years. We need to be more empathetic and listen to them, not just dismiss them and the pain they are going thru.

    I know my reply is all over the place, but sometimes things just come out. I know you’ve been thru so much hurt, just know that I believe you and your abusers deserve to be in jail. Last thought……We all have to be a little mad in order to survive in this world, imagine how boring the world would be without “crazy” people. Stay Fierce Babe <3

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      THIS COMMENT IS ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Wow wow wow wow wow I could not have said it better myself!!
      Absolutely amazing. YES YES YES. You are incredible. Thank you so much this filled my heart so much. wow <3

  3. chris kesler Avatar

    i don’t get that from you and will never take someone’s word that you are. i do feel you’re in touch with your own mind, feelings and remedies that have you awake and in charge of future directions.
    you are becoming a beacon for people who want to reach out for help. thank you for not keeping your life under a rock and existing with all this bottled up to yourself. i feel you’ve learned a great deal in your time and thank you so much for sharing. you are not simply a beautiful person, but you are Beauty.

    big hugs and behind you

    have a great day..

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Hahaha! Thank you!! 🙂 I deeply appreciate these accurate assessments! 🙂 Thank you so much for supporting me <3

  4. Carl Avatar

    It’s unfortunate and disgusting, but I sometimes wonder if the slutshaming and dismissal is secondary.

    It’s a result of people not WANTING to do the hard work it will take to fix the broken system that they’re already coasting along just fine in; i.e. don’t upset the apple cart.

    The slutshaming came afterwards to justify the apathy, which is appalling.

    I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m trying to take away from your experience or being “devil’s advocate,” because that’s not my intention.

    I’ve enjoyed your Instas because of how open you’ve been with your journey, and it’s made me realize I have much to learn about myself, women and feminine power, and spirituality, so thank you!

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      I actually agree with you, the slut shaming and accusations of crazy are a result of people not wanting to do the hard work it will take to fix a broken system that they are coasting along just fine in, exactly.
      Lots came afterwards to justify the apathy. Amazing you see that.

      Thank you!! 🙂 This is a wonderful comment and means the world to me <3

  5. Michael Ochinero Avatar
    Michael Ochinero

    You beautiful in spirit. Beautiful in soul. Which makes the superficial much more attractive. Your smile says “I love me, you should too!” You are so far from crazy. Women can try to hide their sincerity. You have opened your soul to the world so it’s too late for you to be anything but down to earth and genuine.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Awe thank you so much!! 🙂
      I don’t really see many hot girls who make money off being hot, also being genuine, sincere, and opening there souls to the world.
      Willing to look “Crazy” and “like a fool” to pave the way.
      You’re amazing.
      Thanks for seeing me and supporting me.

  6. Craig McGuinn Avatar
    Craig McGuinn

    The powerful pieces of human garbage in this world tend to call anyone they have a role in taking advantage of “crazy” so those in our society who look up to those powerful figures are more likely to refuse to take the legitimate complaints of the powerless people being exploited seriously.
    There’s a reason why the “high society” events the elites of the world host and attend have an understood way of “acting normal” for guests: and that’s part of the reason why I’d never want to live a life our society deems to be normal anyway

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      MIC FUCKIN DROP *slow clap* this comment is EVERYTHING. Wise words my friend. Thank you for commenting <3

  7. Mrtn Avatar

    You are telling great truths. They take it upon themselves to hit the dog and get angry when it bites. I hope one day the world lives without masks and with greater empathy. You are perceived as someone who knew how to be resilient and stay afloat. Your inner beauty is enormously superior to your physical one. Greetings from South America. 🥰

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Aweeeeee!!! Thank you so much for these compliments this support means the world. Thank you <3

      1. Mrtn Avatar

        Thanks you for be what you are 🤗

  8. Jack LeCoeur Avatar

    Recently my body gave up on me. I woke up the day after my workplace put me through the ringer for umpteenth time and I thought I was depressed. Thee feeling of walking through mud was all too familiar. The pain in my shoulders and back was excruciating so I decided to sit my favorite chair and relax. Luckily it was a Saturday. I was on the phone with a friend and it hit me…. I’m sick and my job is making me sick. This was 25 days ago. The word my peers are using isn’t ‘crazy’ but they are calling me ‘petty’ for fighting for rehabilitation. The details of my illness are graphic so I will spare the spare the details. However, I know ‘crazy’ is coming because as I see the word ‘weird’ weaponized by normies I know it is coming.

    I have always been off the beaten path because I care about the human element of my workplace. The people I work for only care about the policies and it is so sad because I work in medical care. Furthermore I work in behavioral health and someone who needs care in this field can smell bullshit from a mile away. As a result of the people directly to the left and right I am in a toxic (using my therapists words not mine) environment. I’m good at my job. I’m not petty or crazy. I’m sick and stressed the fuck out. So what do I do next?

    Well it is time to step away in a big fucking way. Time is up soon for me and instead of being scared of it I’m getting ready. I’m done playing the game. It’s the AUTHENTICITY part you are talking about. It confuses people and they think you’re crazy. Like you, I’m not asking for attention. I am asking for people to care and when they don’t, it exposes the flaws in a system and those people get VERY fucking defensive. People are scared of those who are wide awake. Too fucking bad. We are quick and ready to fuck their world up. I’m tired of fitting in the box. This illness is a wake up call and I’m tired of playing nice. If I’m coming off petty, weird or crazy. Fuck em. They will hear my howl… LOUD.

    – Jack

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