lets talk power

Alright, weighty title I know.

But its necessary.

The main focus of this post is going to be centered around how authoritarian control techniques are the basis for our definition and navigation of power, and are prevalent in nearly every community, social structure, and groups we have access to.

Whether that be a friend group, a sports group, a financial culture, etc, and to all branches of spirituality.

From LDS and Mormonism, to New Age Spirituality, to Traditional Witches Covens, Priestess Circles and so on.

A main part of my purpose on this planet and my hearts calling, is to break down, and properly inform people of the false power at play; everywhere.

We are going to break down authoritarian control and how this is the system either knowingly or unknowingly being used; everywhere.

Let’s start with the basic misconception of the word “power”.

On a psycho-somatic level, most of us believe it is to have something that others do not have. It is something that seemingly separates one from the majority, raising them above them.

Whether that be a skill, wisdom/knowledge, abilities, resources, money, influence, etc.

This very baseline view of power is in essence, the root of the problem if we are to build new empires and new communities.

The true equation of power, broken into basic psychological terms is;

to empower.

In ancient communities, the fate of the whole relied more obviously on each others ability to empower each other into there unique brilliance.

To Empower.

Which is in direct conflict with the above definition of power, which defines itself through having something majority of others do not have.

Defines itself not from an uplifting space, but from a dominating space.

Our baseline false definition of power, our fractured and false way of perceiving it, centered on “being above” others in whatever form, is a bigger problem then most can even conceive of.

It is reflected in nearly every known structure of socialization we have access to.

And what has it brought us? What do you see around you?

We are like lost children, fumbling in the dark for a sense of confidence, and self esteem, inevitably finding ourselves in the hands of false power and all its plays.

Lets use Dr Steven Hassans model for analyzing authoritarian control and look at this.

Number 1) Behavior Control

Have you noticed, when you become a part of a community, in any form, whether it be friend group, spiritual group, material, political, etc, you are bound by the acceptable behaviors of that community? Only allowed access, or looked favorably upon by the community or group with your continued obedience and participation of the accepted behaviors of whichever group you are apart of?

Whether its subtle or overt, this energetic dance is everywhere.

The New Age calls it “conscious or unconscious” people.

The elite call it the wealthy and informed or the poverish and uneducated, the mormon church calls it “people of god, and ungodly people” and pop culture looks at humans as “a cool person, or a loser”

Number 2) Information Control

Have you ever noticed the consumption of information, literature etc not in alignment with whatever group you are a part of, whether its your church, your friend groups, your work environment, your new age spiritual circle, your coven, or priestess circle, is subtly, and at times loudly, discouraged? The means of control are hardly ever outright, but when given the choice between continued acceptance by the group, or pursuance of information outside of its normality, most human beings will choose the first one. As we are community based beings. And this is how we have survived and thrived. With Each Other.

Number 3) Thought Control

This is prevalently observed in every single group and community, deciding other alternate belief systems and groups are illegitimate, evil, not useful, harmful, etc.

The way you speak is limited to whatever the group or community you are a part of has deemed ‘there way’, ‘the right way’.

You see it everywhere, Mormons and LDS believe other who dont live like them are destined for Hell.

Friend groups believe other friend groups are “dumb, evil, lame etc”

New Age Spiritual Communities, Witches Covens, Priestess Circles often refer to people without there shared beliefs / lifestyles as “muggles”, a term for someone without there thoughts, beliefs, and or abilities.

Its everywhere.

To enforce all of these, is the last and final aspect of this social authoritarian model.

Number 4) Emotional Control

Often the way this happens, is subtle shame, shunning, or disdain, in whatever form, for any person openly thinking outside of there groups normalized margins for expression, navigation, and connection.

For example, many in the new age holistic and spiritual communities are vegan, if you find that it is deteriorating your health, and wish to explore other dietary methods, you are shunned, extradited, and shamed for your decision.

In essence, your no is never valid, unless it is a no they understand, and they trust nothing outside of what they have deemed okay.

Even at the expense of losing friends and family.

Or, say you belong to a group of friends, you begin talking to someone you know the group would not approve of, but it feels like it is very healthy for you to communicate with this new person. You are either forced to hide this, or face disownment from the group upon there finding out.

Is it starting to make sense? Are you starting to see how this authoritarian model for control, is actually the backbone and foundation for every social structure we currently have?

I believe we can create a new way of navigation, without this model, this structure, influencing and controlling behind the scenes of all our socializing.

I am also guilty of having been a part of it, but thankfully these systems harmed me and my spiritual and social development enough, i began to see the real problem.

A big part of the fuel for this engrained psychological authoritarian control mode of relating, is fear.

Fear of Death.

Fear of Pain.

Fear of temporariness.

Fear of rejection.

The more we can learn to see the organic template nature has laid out, the necessity of death and impermanence, the more we can become in balanced and new relation to each other.

So what to do if we rip the very psychological foundation for socialization out?

That’s the hard part.

That’s what we have done together over and over again through human history in various ways.

Innovate. Create. Explore.

That’s what we get to discover,


4 responses to “lets talk power”

  1. Tallison Piland Avatar
    Tallison Piland

    Love this

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Thank you for your continued support on this website darlin.

  2. Justin Avatar

    Have you read the Caro books on political power? They are a fascinating read. There’s the book on Robert Moses that everyone seems to have on their shelf and the 5 volume set of Lyndon Johnson books. It’s a narrow view of power in both instances but it really expands your mind on the subject and translates well to other areas of life.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      I have not! What are they about if you could summarize it.

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