
I wonder if the visionaries who came before me, those that of there time and during there life, were mocked, belittled, condescended to, underestimated, called crazy, I wonder if they realized, that decades after they left this earth, humanity would wake up and see there brilliance.

I wonder if they knew while they stood alone, guarding there flame from everyone else’s belief that they know the way, I wonder if they knew while they took beating after beating from everyones opinion, I wonder if they knew, as the whole world looked down on them, that long after there passing they would be raised to the heavens, beheld a leader, ahead of there time.

I think what was always so ultimately scary about these people, who during there time were laughed at, was there refusal to submit, to anyone, to anything, other then there own truth.

It threatens the very fibers of a system that desperately tries to silence the belief that….

You DO know something.

That you ARE brilliant.

That it IS genius to be defiant.

That you CAN lead yourself.

To listen to no-one but your own beating heart.

It’s terrifying, for everyone who witnesses you truly do this.

It exposes in them every area they have succumbed.

It venerates every area in which they have become numb.

It shines a light on every place they have held there tongue.

It exacerbates all of there shut down inner wisdom

It makes them come undone.

To those that refuse to give up the vision.

To those that never cease in there trust of the unknown.

To the geniuses, ahead of there time.

With the strength to be shunned, and disliked.

I join you.

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