The Grey Rock

There are countless ways to make decisions, perceive things, etc.

Much of the way you perceive things isn’t what you decided.

But what you inherited.
What you were programmed with.

From your genetics, your culture, your environment, what information, stimuli, and imagery you have consumed in various ways.

Consider I am given the choice between two rocks.

One is colorful, shiny, made up of all the things we are sold beauty is.
Anyone would look at it and see splendor.

It’s a beautiful badge to decorate my ego with.

But its resonance, its vibration, its energy, is bland, plain, sad.

The other one is a grey rock, its appearance is very opposite of what we are sold beautiful is, anyone would look at it and see a dull unoriginal plain grey rock.

But its resonance, its vibration, its energy, is vibrant, healing, potent, energizing.

Now, if you were asked to choose between these two rocks, and you were still operating from your programming…

(enforced by the desire to be liked, and how many people are programmed and furthering it)

you would choose the colorful rock.

But if you were choosing from you, authenticity, sovereignty, I’d bet you choose

the grey rock

the ability to never be lied to, to truly find and choose things that are good for you, benefit you, comes from

the grey rock method

choose the things that light your soul on fire, that you FEEL

true sight is a felt experience

It doesnt rely on anyone or anything else

It is personal

and illogical

It goes beyond our definitions for beauty and power

choose what you feel

not what you see

let this metaphor set fire to your entire life

One response to “The Grey Rock”

  1. @bighexshark Avatar

    Dig it. Whenever I talk to people about growth and self realization, I always ask them these few basic questions. How does a fish know that it must swim when it’s born, how does a giraffe know that it has to run when it’s born, how do we know we have to breath air when we are born? It’s in our DNA, it’s passed to us from birth, From our parents, from our ancestors. These basic actions that we as beings know nothing about and yet we do them. Just like these things are passed down to us, traumas and the way we process things are passed down to us. Once we realize that our unhealthy “normals” are not normal at all. Only then does our growth begin.

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