A Porn-Star Tells Her Story

I find it baffling the guilt that lives in survivors bodies, as if we are actually the ones carrying our abusers shame. When frankly, they are the ones that should be ashamed. As if enduring injustice is an embarrassment and somehow our fault? It seems so… Infantile. Yet it is such a prevelant subtle and psychologically embedded experience in our society. It’s always been strange to me. It’s 2am, and tonight my form of catharsis was creating a blog and strangely, a timeline of sorts. A way to lay out the complex and gruesome journey that has been my life, in order. Though its not nearly all of it, which may be surprising that one human being can endure so much.
I think it’s a testament of how much lives in the shadows of so many. Who are forced in one way or another to carry the shame and blame of their abusers. For me, this is another way to keep track and release it, and maybe help someone else reading it, release too.

At 5 years old my Uncle molested me for a year or two, every morning and during the day every chance he got. 

It was odd really, my mother was never affectionate and being such a young child I craved it. She was very physically abusive. Beating me, screaming at me. And my uncle was seemingly sweet, it wouldn’t be till I got older that I realized how wrong it all was. In my tiny young head I thought he was my boyfriend. I remember the sadness and heartbreak I felt when I saw a picture frame he kept of a beautiful blonde woman. It’s a confusing thing really, being molested so young. You have no idea really whats happening or any way to make sense. Except, in my case, someone is finally paying attention to me without anger.

We moved away from North Carolina thankfully, when I was about 7 or 8. I never saw him again, but until I finally told my mother the thought of him returning haunted me. 
Every night I would think about it, and I lived in fear for so long because he told me I would get in trouble if I told anyone.
My father, was a contract killer for pay. That’s what my mother told me at least. I remember their fights, very physical and aggressive.
So I was glad when we moved. I didn’t see or hardly hear from my father anymore though, and I missed him achingly for a very long time.

My childhood was filled with my mother being extremely violent towards me, dragging me by my hair, beating me, and keeping me on a tight leash. She kept dating and marrying violent men, too. Her control was beyond what I can express, and her ability to validate her behavior is next level too. I didn’t even really go to any birthday parties as a child or have any of my own with friends. I think deep down, she knew she had brainwashed her children and if they saw how normal mothers treated their children, we’d be less likely to submit. And let me tell you, it was hard enough as it was to make me submit.
The violent men my mother married, were also something else. Another flavor of my mother, but worse. I remember one of the men she married for a short time, tried to get rid of me. He left me in the dark outside the key bank parking lot, forced me out of the car. I waited in the bushes until my mother came for me. I kept telling myself she wouldn’t leave me and she’d make him tell her where he left me. He was a cruel man. My mother would often run into my little sister and I’s bedroom and barricade the doors while he tried to kick them down and hurt us. I remember one day she came running in with blood gushing out of her neck, he had ripped a chunk out with his teeth. The last time we ever saw that man was one night my mother finally called the police. He was sent back to North Carolina. Thank the gods. My mother never really let go of her anger, and I know she had every right to be as fucked up as she was. The things she had endured as a child were beyond most peoples understanding.
But nonetheless, it contorted her into a monster.

At 13 years old my mother put me in a closet for 3 years. A closet in my little brothers room. I was enrolled in online school, given a laptop in there, internet use heavily monitored, had to earn the right to listen to music etc, and allowed to keep what could fit on some shelves of the closet, and in a plastic bin with a red lid.

Yes, a closet. 3 years. No I did not mistype. The funny thing is how both of my parents try to gaslight me and minimize it whenever i’ve brought it up in the past, but my education in matters of psychology and everything else now far outweighs them and there ability to gaslight me. I was a child then. I remember imagining another human next to me, I remember telling myself once I got out of this closet I was going to do big things, that I would show them just how powerful and intelligent and deserving I was. I made promises to myself in that closet. Promises I’ve kept.

At 16 my parents got a divorce, i had a wonderful stepdad for about 9 ish years, he was a covert narcissist enabler, but he never physically harmed me my sister or my mother, and rarely yelled at me. He also convinced our mother to stop beating us. But when I turned 16 my mother had a pretty obvious psychotic break. I think we could have all seen it coming if we reflected even a little bit… I was in a literal closet for 3 years prior. I mean, the writing was on the wall.

I don’t know the details of the divorce because I was a kid, but I know I witnessed my mom lose her mind in a way I had never seen. She didn’t feel like herself at all. It was eerie. It was a messy divorce. I know she grew up very abused and neglected, I always cut her slack cause of that. Me and my siblings went to live with my dad in a small apartment. I knew my dad was hurting, big time. Mom went off and wasn’t doing so well herself.

At 17 I was r* p e d for the first time. 

I still remember running for the door and almost making it, then being jerked backwards and held down while he pulled my pants down. I was in running start, at a community college. Being locked in a closet had its few perks, one of which was having a 4.0-4.5 GPA in online school. After being raped, the first friend group I had made there at college, decided it was my fault. Which honestly, whenever anyone speaks out especially if they aren’t the “perfect victim” and are at all what the Patriarchy views as “asking for it”, thats what they get. It’s not uncommon, its the most common thing ever.

Not too long after after I dropped out and began partying even more intensely. Its interesting though isn’t it, there it is again, the shame of something awful and abusive somehow being the victims fault.
The victim being the one shamed for something the perpetrator should be.
There it is.
“she was asking for it”
what is that? the more i’ve healed the less I’ve understood this normalized infantile belief. So from there, I always needed to be high on something. I had been pretty proud of myself for making friends after having to relearn how to socialize from being locked in a closet for years. And when I lost them and experienced continued betrayal, well. I turned to drugs. I became such a druggie that I literally would steal and chug niquil to get high if I had to. I would do anything everyday to be high on something.
I had moved in with my boyfriend at the time, he was the only one who took my side after I was raped. His mother didn’t make us pay rent and was kind to us. At least miles kinder then my parents had ever been.

Then, it started to become clear how badly my mother was doing. I went to visit her. Due to the intense Stockholm Syndrome I had developed, and my natural inclination towards loyalty especially as a young child, I moved in with her. I had never worked a job and had been ridiculously sheltered but I decided I wasn’t going to let my mother be abandoned in her time of need. She was doing awful, she said she was suicidal and the place she was living looked like a closed down crackhouse for hoarders.
My dad hated me for that, I never understood why till I healed enough. Till I realized the monster my mother really was. Stockholm syndrome is real.

Growing up, I’d hear “you’re lucky you’re cute, you’ll never make it in anything. You’ll take the bus you’re whole life” was common place phrase for me to hear. 
despite all that I decided I was capable, and I was going to be there for my mother.

I got a job as a cleaning lady, moved in and cleaned the disgusting house my mother had been somehow living in. She was on disability, but needed help around the house and was saying she was suicidal. I kept the house clean, and made sure my mom had weed, by that time I knew how important coping until you could heal was.

While living there, At 17 years old my mother put me on a date with her boyfriend. 

He was 30. He went by the name “Zero” 

I did not want to, but she convinced me, saying it was “polyamory” and that she wanted me to be taken out on a nice date. 
Yeah, obviously I’ve since learned that is NOT polyamory and that my mom was in the middle of a very long psychotic break. Stockholm Syndrome, being sheltered, then learning things the hard way. Not fun.

This man, gave me the creeps. My mom said he had his eye on me and it could be good for me and insisted.

I won’t talk about what he did to me. You can probably guess though. 
The worst part, later my mom told me he was in love with and sleeping with his biological mother as well. Since he was 15 years old. I told her I never wanted to see him again, and she said that’s fine. Whenever he came over I hid.

Stockholm syndrome truly is real, and it’s been quite a journey recovering from it. 
Looking back now, I know I was merely an offering my mother made to this predator in a pathetic attempt to make him like her. Broke my heart processing that, shattered any illusions of my mom actually caring about me that I’d had.

Later that year, I came home to my mother in bed with a guy I had been seeing. 

They both laughed at me as I stood there stunned. I remember standing in place in my room afterwards blank faced and unmoving for 5 minutes straight. To the point the person I was hanging out with kept waving there hands in front of my face going “Ivy?”

When I asked the lover of mine I found her with to leave so I could speak to my mother, she screamed at me and told me he was staying. 

I realized finally, in a way I hadn’t before, my mother wasn’t my mother anymore, she maybe never really was, and she was only going to hurt me worse and worse. And that I couldn’t save her.

Even though she constantly spoke of suicide and subtlety threatened it, I had to save myself. 

I moved out, back in with my previous boyfriend and his family who were very kind to me. 

He was kind to me, though I doubt I deserved it. He was beyond kind to me.

I still feel beyond grateful to that man, and I always will.

He seemed to understand what I was living through was unreasonably wrong and affecting my behaviors even though I wouldn’t fully understand that for many years. 

For that I will always appreciate him. 

Later on, I found out my dad, his girlfriend, and my sister stole the inheritance my grandmother had left me in her will. They all lied as a unit about it.
Him, and my sister were the last remaining good in my life. And I had never expected that from him. Its funny how the people you idolize as a child, you grow up and realize none of it was real.

I was riding in my sisters beautiful new car, and a text came in on her phone. I sat there in shock as I put everything together. They all admitted to it after that. I remember stomaching their bizarre disgusting excuses and still summoning undeserved compassion for them.

Suffice to say…

Until I was about 20 my behaviors were not great. 

I was coping with a lot, stuff I didn’t truly realize until later. Stuff I’m still realizing.

I got into drugs even more, and was always high on something.

I remember the feeling of just truly not caring if I lived or died. I eventually got into smoking meth and during a 3 day nonstop meth bender i blacked out. I had this weird vision, I was standing on a stage speaking to people and they were crying, holding there hearts. This booming voice like thunder came into my head and said THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE MEANT TO DO, GO HOME NOW. So, strangely, I did. And I got off the drugs. Cut ties with all those people. I became a massive weed smoker. It felt the lesser evil and safer, and I could still cope that way with the immense weight of trauma I had been carrying. So, that was a start.

At 20-22, I got into the adult industry and mainstream porn.

Thankfully by then I only had one addiction, weed. Though I still played with other substances. I had been doing nude modeling and stripping because i was mentally breaking down and the management position I had at a sandwich shop wasn’t making enough money and was hurting me worse then stripping and nude modeling ever did ironically and strangely. Being raped and my mothers psychotic episode definitely interrupted my college experience. But, I also enjoyed it, sex work. It made me less shy. My mom had locked me in a closet for 3 years because she caught me taking photos in my underwear; I guess it was my way of reclaiming myself.

However, I was raped again brutally in the adult industry, pretty early on in it, I thought I was going to die when he suffocated me with my own vomit. And the pain. I’ll always remember that. It’s like he wanted it to hurt me, I could see it in his eyes. I’ll never know how he managed to edit that scene to be able to post it.
It started out a normal day on set, with a whole crew makeup artist, director, assistant, cameraman etc. But then when we were about to shoot the sex scene, everyone but the “male talent” left. He gave me champagne, and weed. I found it all odd but I was new to the industry, young, and sheltered, without any family guidance, doing porn, so I went along with it.
I found it weird that the room I was shooting in was a little girls room, it looked like a 5 year old should live in it and you had to crouch because of the low ceilings and was completely pink and made for a child. But I knew everyone had their kinks, me included.

Suffice to say, I laid on the bathroom floor limp for a bit after he was done with me while he went and showered.

I told my manager what happened afterwards. He cancelled all my shoots for the next 2 weeks and called a directors meeting, but urged me to shoot again after the 2 weeks. How nice of him. 

I left the industry pretty quickly after getting into it, but thankfully I won some awards first. It made a lot of the trauma and ways people had treated me seem less true.
Like the trophy in front of me was telling me “They’re all lies, you’re incredible”

But my body began breaking down, I kept getting sick in various ways. From all my research I know now the brutal impact PTSD of my cases degree can have on one’s body. And I think all the stress, PTSD from childhood and young adult life, and exposure to new germs, I just couldn’t handle it and left the adult industry after my first couple of years.

I began reconnecting with my spirituality, my mother had been very spiritual and i had distanced myself from it after what happened with her. I grew up with womens circles, witches covens, and metaphysics books were one thing my mom always let me have even in the closet.

But, I received so much shame from the spiritual community. My naivety had me thinking it would be a kinder more accepting place people go to heal.

It felt like the church with new words and rules.

I started to find myself, change my style and the way I dress. Put an alter back in my home, etc. Took back a lot of the spirituality that kept me company as a child.

I reclaimed my spiritual connection. Cause sadly my mom had such a control thing over that too growing up. But it was mine now. All mine.

I found a man at ecstatic dance one day, it’s a thing here in LA for sober dancing, it’s safer and more inviting than the club scene and i wanted that. Him and his ex girlfriend got my information and I began seeing him. He felt like a breath of fresh air after I had been drowning, he taught me a lot about spirituality and I did Ayahuasca for the first time with him in a ceremony he told me about.

But, after healing a lot and therapy and reading galore I know he was a narcissist. 

I left the industry while with him, I paid for everything, and we fought all the time because he could not meet me emotionally and made me feel bad about normal human desires. 

He couldn’t get over his ex, and compared me to her, who I admired deeply for her bravery and style. 

After I broke up with him a year later, while we tried to be friends, he raped me. 

I fought him for 3 hours. I still remember screaming for him, the real him to come back and to stop. To please stop.

I cried for days afterwards. It was hard for me. I confronted him and had him come to a therapy session over zoom where he admitted to raping me in front of my therapist. 

I had been in an open relationship with a woman at the time in charge of a transformational event for healing. 

I asked her to please not invite him, I said he raped me. She co-erced me saying she really needed a videographer and couldn’t find one on such short notice. 
She was one of those “women are asking for it” types. Sadly you see those a lot. I had paid for me and a couple others tickets, over 1k for each. As a gift. I paid for food, and rented the vehicle we all took. I figured I could just avoid him.

So I went, and as you can imagine the numbing continued deep inside. 

The healing workshops though, worked. And I began feeling so intensely everything I hadn’t before. Everything I suppressed for so long.

And with no real safety I realize now, as the woman had convinced me to come with my RAPIST.
I tried to leave the event early, I began breaking down and sobbing so hysterically I could barely stand it. I told the other girls i needed to leave and asked if they could figure out rides. They understood. But the girl i was dating flipped. I was going to give her a ride too, and she lost it. I knew she would be fine, it was HER event and ANYONE would be willing to give her a ride. But hey, who cares about me processing my own trauma how I need alone right? Narcissists man.

And then, somewhere in between or after that, (it all became a blur and disassociation set in, big time) the man who raped me, his ex girlfriend (and my then friend) decided to launch an intense online accusation about me “copying her aesthetic”  and my community began tearing me down and turning against me.

I had never received so many disgusting comments and messages before. I had tried to be her friend after I broke up with him, just like I tried to be his friend.
I think it was just all becoming too much to take.
My coping mechanism that I had been forced to learn with my mother as a child, “Forgive the Unforgiveable” wasn’t working anymore.

So, I almost jumped off my balcony. Thankfully someone amazing got on a plane and came to be with me. 

Then, at about 24-25 i fell in love (sadly with another narcissist) and got engaged quickly. 

He lied to me, a lot. And broke what was left of my heart and trust in humans. 

I left him because i kept becoming physically ill and he wouldn’t stop lying and omitting things, after I left him I almost committed suicide. Again.

But I didn’t. And I’m glad. Though to be honest, I had nearly no real support.
Nothing to hold onto. And experienced, even more betrayal and selfish narcissistic abuse from the people I reached out to. In my deepest time of need, suicidal, people made it about them.

At the time; I had no strength left, no dissociated beliefs on love to keep me okay anymore, and my hope in life and humanity was dying. 

My eyes were also opening, and my heart was feeling suppressed pain very quickly. 

I’ve spent years now healing, reflecting, learning. And its since then that I have become someone so strong sometimes I even struggle to comprehend myself.

And I did it by myself.

It’s funny what having absolutely no real reliable consistent support will do to a person. Its insane the strength I have developed.
Even my old therapist broke my trust and the law at one point with me.
It’s just laughable what I’ve been through sometimes.
Though, my old therapist did call the police and put me on suicide watch, which helped and probably saved my life. So for that I’m grateful.

And I turned to strangers for support and they did there best with what little they could offer me. It’s not like I had my family to turn to. I knew they’d make it worse.

Sadly I attracted another abuser, and during my healing from my ex fiance, recovering from having hit bottom and becoming suicidal, and EVERYthing else; I experienced my first non-sexual form of assault.
I had to file a police report for kidnapping. I pissed my pants. Literally. He wrestled my phone from my hands when i tried to call a friend or police.

He is 6’4 240 pounds.

It was bad.
his name is Wylie Cable.

And then while reeling from that and seeking safety, I was drugged and raped in my sleep. twice. one I wont name for my safety, the others name is Alexander Ray Lujan/Zandiel.


The sheer amount of strength, self sufficiency, and trust in MYSELF that I have developed along this path…. Wow.

There are manipulators, liars, and abusers being called out left and right. 

You may have seen me briefly call out many of them on my Instagram.

The world is changing, and I think its time we stop pushing shame onto victims and start putting it onto abusers.
Doesn’t anybody understand yet that hysteria is a result of intense abuse and having ones reality totally gaslit??

Or has empathy left the building? What about justice?

You have NO idea what people are going through or what has made them who they are. 

If there is one thing I have learned, growing up without real support and lots of abuse and being betrayed at every turn, it’s that nobody knows the complexity of my story but me. 

People think you aren’t supposed to talk about what you’ve been through, but I think that’s another story perpetrated by abusers who wanna keep hiding. Cause maybe if we all talked about it all more, and felt less ashamed, it wouldn’t be our burden to carry anymore. But instead it’d be on the people who hurt us, who need to accept accountability and CHANGE.

I am proud of the woman I am today, and I wasn’t always. I have worked my butt off for years now, and especially in the past months. I’ve lost track of how much money I’ve spent on therapy, or somatic release classes, how many books I’ve read and tears I’ve cried, how many leaps of faith I’ve taken.
Nearly every single time I tried to heal with others, they betrayed, abandoned, manipulated, and hurt me in some form.

I’ve come a long way, crawled my way out of trauma induced psychosis, and outted abusers on my social media platforms. Also, I realized how reliable my gut is, and how developed my psychic gifts have had to become.

I’m finally 2 months sober, no day to day marijuana use or addiction anymore. And I did that through getting kidnapped and sexually assaulted, AGAIN.
Cause, I was finally ready.

I’m medicated on prozac, its the reason i’m still alive because being without really any consistent genuine support, and being suicidal, it finally pushed me to get the medication I needed.

And I don’t feel ashamed, I feel better then I ever have.

I’ve let myself be perceived in ways that aren’t exactly pleasing, and continued to forge forward developing an inhuman strength I honestly wish I never had to develop.

But I LIKE who I am now.

She’s powerful. Independent. Kind.

And ruthless with the truth and her self preservation. 

And though you may think I have a bad taste in my mouth for porn, having had that one bad experience that deeply traumatized me, I don’t.
To be totally honest, sex work, porn, it saved me. After being beaten down in confidence I found an open minded community of fans who loved me, and thought I was beautiful and capable. And every other time on set, was beautiful. It’s like every job, and every place in the world, there are bad people, and good people. There are predators, and protectors. And I’m grateful I never experienced what I did again.

And, I don’t have that manager anymore. The entire industry revolutionized itself in my absence during those years away.
Honestly, the person I am today is because of porn and sex work.

My insecurities lessened, my shyness decreased, and I became who I felt like I was really meant to be.

The best thing I found in the adult industry, is on a porn set you can’t avoid your innately human aspects. Theres bodily fluids, and vulnerable positions, feelings, sensations, sounds, that inevitably bring out our raw human self. And with safe people, and more caution, I experienced a world that gave a deeply abused and under-educated girl, a chance to make money, and shed insecurities, and feel beautiful.

And my family, it breaks my heart. My mom was my something I held really close to my heart, for a very long time.
I will always love her, I will always be so grateful for how she fought to give me everything she did.
My dad too, he gave us so much.

I will always love my family, I and I am still grieving them to this day.

But it doesn’t change the lying, stealing, and downright abuse. Sadly.

If there is one thing I have learned that is most important to me through all of this. 

Its the importance of learning from your mistakes, and validating YOURSELF and your OWN story and your ability to make correct decisions for yourself. Even when they are misunderstood by others. Afterall, they don’t have access to the complexity and all the details you do, and they will never be as informed as you are about your own life. They will never be able to make a better decision for you then you can for yourself.

The most important thing, it’s learning not just the importance of REAL love and compassion, cause boy I have learned that in its absence.
But the importance of truth. How love cant even really exist without it.

How so few people are willing to look at it, and the change it forces forward.

It’s the ability to let go of anyone, even your own mother, father, sister, in the name of truly loving yourself and owning how wrong what happened to you was.  

Even if they wont.

To own the truth of something is terrifying. 

If we own the truth things have to change. 

To me, love Isn’t even love without truth. 

It can’t even truly exist. 

I haven’t been perfect, I don’t know many people who would have been having gone through what I did. 

But I have grown lifetimes in years, through sheer determination.

And I will keep growing. 

I will keep being a better person, to myself and others. 

And you can too. 

Only YOU know what’s best for you, only you know the full extent of your story.

I believe in you. 

We can do, ANYTHING.

don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 

if I can live through all that and still have that belief, I know you can too. 

And hey, I’m just a pornstar telling her story.

But I think we got this.
I think we can do things our abusers never even dreamed we could.

I think we know exactly what we’re doing no matter who calls us crazy.

They don’t know the hell we’ve seen.

You got this. I know you do.

Don’t Stop. <3

55 responses to “A Porn-Star Tells Her Story”

  1. Michael Avatar

    Great story I love your work 👏 I feel for you if you would dating me I show you a real man my mother who past away on 6-28-23 from dementia I don’t think I know hoe to lie iam very honest and straight forward sarcastic person I don’t have time or energy to lie ism broke NY father who 89 taken it all from care of my mother and keeping him in his home he and my mother built yes I would love to date you and show you want a boring guy is I have no evil in my past just a normal man looking for someone to care for lol

    1. Leah Avatar

      Using someone’s trauma as a way to hit on them aint the vibe homie! Just be supportive ❤️

      1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

        Exactly Leah <3

        The older generations are learning, intergenerational trauma is being healed.
        Hopefully this post helps that.

  2. Anthony Avatar

    It sounds like you’re going through a challenging time and reflecting on some personal struggles. Here’s a refined version of your message:

    I’m currently halfway through your content where you mentioned the party and your ex being the videographer. I’ve been grappling with some inner conflicts these past few days and found myself returning to old coping mechanisms to deal with my PTSD.

    I want to share that I experienced abuse from a classmate when I was younger, and my childhood was difficult, though not comparable to your own hardships. Like you found solace in spirituality, I turned to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I’m also a married man who made a commitment to leave behind destructive habits, including pornography, which was linked to drug use and self-harm—things I believe stemmed from my upbringing and past trauma.

    Reading your blog has reignited my faith and reminded me of the harm caused by the adult industry. I regretfully admit finding pleasure in your content without knowing your real struggles. I feel guilty for enjoying it now.

    I don’t want to contribute to anything that harms others for momentary pleasure. I hope you find inner peace and a true connection with Christ, not just the church. Thank you for reminding me of what truly matters.

    I’m grateful for your words and the reminder. I wish there was another way to communicate with you, but I understand the predicament.

    ☦️ Thank you for your influence on my journey.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      I’m touched but I would definitely finish reading it, as I mention my journey in porn further down and much else that I think is deeply important and imformative.
      Best of luck on your journey

    2. Hector Zavala Avatar
      Hector Zavala

      You aren’t alone Brother. Don’t be hard on yourself, even Jesus was tempted. healing is not leanear, sometimes we trip and fall. Jesus knows of our struggles and understands them. Keep pushing thru, feelings are only temporary. I hope the best for you and your family 🙏🏽.

  3. Alex Avatar

    I’m shocked by this story.

    It’s hard for me to imagine how you dealt with all the horrible things that happened in your life. And how much courage it takes to share it in front of everyone right now.

    Thank you for talking about your difficult life, I couldn’t imagine that happening.

    It’s cool that you are now carrying a positive message and trying to inspire others with your story.

    I sympathize with you for going through such a fucked up time in your life.

      1. Chelsea Avatar

        The most iconic of all icons!! You are such a gift to the world Ivy.

        I found you through Holly Randall a couple years ago and that led to finding an article of an interview where you briefly mentioned taking time off to heal from childhood trauma. I was so impressed by your vulnerability then, and still now. It gave me permission to own my traumatic past and not be ashamed of it. Especially as it relates to the adult industry. From that, to Instagram stories, to this. You know you’re one of my favs and I adore you the way you show up.

        I agree with others who say your story needs to be heard. Thank you for letting us witness the unfolding evolution of what it means to be Ivy. Can’t wait to read the next post

        1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

          Gah! This means the world to me <3 Thank you
          Excited for many vulnerable eye opening posts and topics here to come

  4. Alex Avatar

    Oh my god, I’m definitely going to look at you very differently now. How amazing is it that on instagram we all see the same picture but thanks to blogs like this we can learn what a person has been through. Fucking hell, I think I’m going to be recovering from your story for a couple days.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Awe! That’s why I prefaced with a warning on my main page, I want to avoid too much unexpected pain for others reading my story. Thanks for reading

  5. Leslie White Avatar
    Leslie White

    It’s shocking to think that one of my best friends of over 35 years went through many of the same things you did (minus the drugs and porn). She’s autistic and had an almost impossible time processing the emotions of others and had a HUGE blindspot for the narcissists who would come into her life until they were already embedded in it.

    I was her emotional life line from a distance for so many years… (still am to some degree).

    I always felt inadequate in that role. I’ve always felt inadequate in all my roles as a husband, father, or a friend. Your story has helped me to put her life into a better perspective. It’s helping me to understand what she’s gone through and maybe how to help her better in the future. I’ve always tried to help her empower herself. Now I have a slightly better perspective on that as well. Thank you.

    As for you, you have become a light at the end of others tunnels and for so many people in that position, they can’t see the light at the end of their own tunnel. But I think you can. It can take an insane amount of power to do so but I (in my humble opinion) think you’ve shown the vision and strength to do so.

    Thanks for your story…

    I’d wish you power but you already quite obviously have more of that than I could imagine.

    I’d wish you happiness but as that’s a journey, not a destination, you’re already far down that path.

    So, I’ll wish you light, magic, and love. I’m not sure any of us can have too much of those. 😉

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      thank you!! <3 a mantra I have and have had since I was little in some form “I am capable of what I decide I am”

      We got this <3

  6. Robbie Duncan Avatar
    Robbie Duncan

    I can only say wow. I have always been a fan of yours without knowing anything about you. I knew that you were beautiful and sexy and available to my fantasies through porn. I respect sex workers and now respect you even more.
    You are so strong and resilient. Coming back and getting through all of the terrifying and horrible things that you endured is not only courageous and remarkable but also fantastic.
    So proud of you and all of your accomplishments and your future successes.
    I sometimes reviewed some of your quotes and words on Instagram and thought oh my she’s strange. For that I apologize.
    Reading these words has left a profound mark on me. I don’t think there are many that have made it through things like this but you have conquered it.
    I now know what an amazing person and soul that you are and have a new found respect for you.
    I’ve recently been listening to Holly Randall podcasts and some of her guests from the industry. Really an assortment of real people with real lives. Amazing people all of them.
    Maybe she will have you on as well.
    Your story needs to be heard to help others that have gone through similar things.
    Thank you for sharing. I hope you continue to conquer and keep winning.
    I hope many more take the time to read this and understand that not everyone has good parents, freinds or family.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Thanks for your honesty! I know many people have also thought “Man She’s Strange” and I hope this gives people insight into the fact that we are all human beings behind the screen, who may have gone through more then people can fathom. Thank you for your kind words. I have been on Holly Randalls podcast twice 🙂
      She’s lovely.

      1. Rob Avatar

        I’ll check out those Holly Randall podcasts. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

  7. christopher kesler Avatar

    dear Ivy,
    wow is my first thought and makes me wish i was your dad, standing with you with an iron fist and shotgun to be the protector you shouldve had standing with you since birth. im a photographer and have been married since i was 21 im 63 now and have heard so many stories simular to yours im sickened.
    in all the time ive been with wife i have never hit her, called her names, forced her to do a single thing. and just of late she has retired from work and become so relaxed and in love with life. ive never raped anyone my whole life and cant imagine why i would or why anyone would. but im sure its the society we live in. and as you said it seems the bad doers in life get the story, justification, and spotlight.
    your story moves me and i could offer so much to empower you more. but sounds like your on a new path and are full of resolution and that is AWESOME.
    so let me insert possible topic questions if i may…
    .dear ivy how has getting a weapon helped your mind?
    .dear ivy what are your highlights of being in the adult industry?
    .dear ivy have you thought of becoming an interior decorator?
    .dear ivy have you thought of your ideal place to live ?
    .dear ivy please tell of “fanatic” or overly active fan reactions to you or your work?
    .dear ivy do you drive and do you like to take long cruises for thought clearing?
    .dear ivy your fashion sense is one of a kind and always changing.
    .dear ivy details of how the bad doers were dealt with.

    just some ideas of what those of us who do care of your well-being. i too have had family issues with trust and depression and sexual intrusion in my early years and as you know men have a very hard time to be open and outright with the stories. maybe one day i can relate with you about that. but this isnt the place.
    i really feel for you through this blog and wouldnt wish your journey to anyone. i do however see it has built you up in a most profound way. for me this is the attractive part of you not many will understand but i think it the will to they dont see.
    on a side note your giggles are the most honest thing and your gaze in the mirror the most pure things i see as your friend i could ever ask to see more of. i thank you from all sides of my heart and feel better knowing this tiny bit of yourself and your life. i know thistook courage to do and hope you add more. need you to know you are truely loved for being you. dont follow but lead

    if ever you need to chat il be close by


  8. Scott Avatar

    Sad and tragic beginning for you Ivy. My heart goes out to you. Having dealt with narcissistic abuse my entire life. I also feel your pain. Please remember your not alone in this. I’ll be quietly cheering you on as you overcome all the injustices ever done to you! Sending you all the love I can! ✌️❣️

  9. Sara Avatar

    Ivy, it’s genuinely incredible and inspiring how you’ve been able to overcome SO MUCH. I deeply hope that you can find healing and moments of peace. I’ve been a fan of yours for years and love how radically open and honest you are. Congratulations on your sobriety journey! I’m almost 4 years alcohol free and am here if you ever need someone to talk to about sobriety. You’re incredibly strong, wise, and beautiful inside and out. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️✨

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Thank you so much!! 🙂

  10. Leah Avatar

    Your story is so fucking powerful. Thank you for sharing your most vulnerable pieces, your story will change the world. So fucking proud of you!!!!

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Thank you so much Leah <3

  11. Hector Zavala Avatar
    Hector Zavala

    Fuck, that was really hard to read, went thru a whole range of emotions. Thank you for sharing your story, I know it wasn’t easy. I’m sorry you went thru so much at such a such a young age, at any age really. As a man thats meant to protect the young, elderly, and feminine, I can’t comprehend how there’s such evil in this fkn world. Makes me angry. As someone that has been following you for some years and has seen a lot of this, it’s been rough. I’m just glad you’ve made it through the other side, and you’ve realized a lot. Proud of the woman you are growing into and I have a lot of love for you even tho we’ve never met. Maybe one day our paths will cross. Till then, I wish you nothing but the best and so much love 💜.

  12. Hank Avatar

    A remarkable story! Thank you for sharing it.

    The ‘She was asking for it’ observation is not new, it’s been around for centuries in many cultures. My mother struggled against it all her life (born in 1911). Along with other patriarchal commandments: Women can’t do that; Women don’t wear pants; You don’t have a husband any more, so you can’t raise your own children, the state will take them.

    Till the day she died (2005), she NEVER let them win.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Not a new observation, never said it was. But it IS new to being SUCH a popular TREND! To FINALLY have the amount of voice and focus it deserves.
      Because of people like your Ma, and myself and all others raising awareness, things are changing.

      RIP to your badass momma and thank you for the comment and compliment 🙂

  13. Rhys Wallace Avatar
    Rhys Wallace

    I just finished reading all of this and I just wanna say we don’t know each other but If I ever met you, all I’d want to do is give you the biggest hug ever.

    I’ve been a fan of your’s ever since discovering you on MissaX and I don’t know, you just struck me, everything about you was just different. Your performances felt authentic in a different way so you quickly became a favorite of mine. Following you for a couple years now and Knowing everything you have been through… it just got me… Like, I couldn’t fathom how you could seem so Bright, and bubbly, and Happy. I don’t know if I could if I was in the same position.

    I felt so sorry to find out how hard your life has been, and still feel sorry and worry about you often. Because Ive heard a lot of sad things happen to people and it doesn’t always end well.

    You never wanna see anybody go through horrible things.

    But reading all this I just feel like you are one of the toughest people I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen a lot of people in my life suffer and even been through a lot myself. I even struggled for 5 years with Suicidal tendencies and a couple months back actually made another attempt on my life that only failed because I threw up the pills I took , but was sick for a long time after. Now mentally I’m a little better but still kinda struggling. But I’ve not been through anything close to what you have. Even with my own struggles, I see others going through it and try everything I can to help. Especially when they try to make a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    I’m glad you have come so far despite the terrible things you’ve endured. I may just be some schmuck who watches your videos, but I value you as a human being. I think the world would be darker if you weren’t in it. So I hope inspite of everything you’ve been through, I truly hope you are happy and loved and have people in your corner who you love who have your back.

    Friends, loved ones, & fans who look up to you and admire you, who makes you smile and laugh and feel warm each day. I hope they give you all the strength you need to keep going. And also I hope you are incredibly proud of yourself and all your accomplishments.

    Evil people in your life shouldn’t win. The greatest way you can beat them is by just continuing to be you and being fulfilled in your life. I’m still figuring stuff out for myself , but after reading all this despite how hard it most of been to put all this out there, I just really hope you live an incredibly happy life & safe life.

    You deserve nothing but good things in your life, Ivy. All the love, happiness, and joy in the world.

  14. Rhys Wallace Avatar
    Rhys Wallace

    I just finished reading all of this and I just wanna say we don’t know each other but If I ever met you, all I’d want to do is give you the biggest hug ever.

    I’ve been a fan of your’s ever since discovering you on MissaX and I don’t know, you just struck me, everything about you was just different. Your performances felt authentic in a different way so you quickly became a favorite of mine. Following you for a couple years now and Knowing everything you have been through… it just got me… Like, I couldn’t fathom how you could seem so Bright, and bubbly, and Happy. I don’t know if I could if I was in the same position.

    I felt so sorry to find out how hard your life has been, and still feel sorry and worry about you often. Because Ive heard a lot of sad things happen to people and it doesn’t always end well.

    You never wanna see anybody go through horrible things.

    But reading all this I just feel like you are one of the toughest people I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen a lot of people in my life suffer and even been through a lot myself. I even struggled for 5 years with Suicidal tendencies and a couple months back actually made another attempt on my life that only failed because I threw up the pills I took , but was sick for a long time after. Now mentally I’m a little better but still kinda struggling. But I’ve not been through anything close to what you have. Even with my own struggles, I see others going through it and try everything I can to help. Especially when they try to make a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    I’m glad you have come so far despite the terrible things you’ve endured. I may just be some schmuck who watches your videos, but I value you as a human being. I think the world would be darker if you weren’t in it. So I hope in spite of everything you’ve been through, I truly hope you are happy and loved and have people in your corner who you love who have your back.

    Friends, loved ones, & fans who look up to you and admire you, who makes you smile and laugh and feel warm each day. I hope they give you all the strength you need to keep going. And also I hope you are incredibly proud of yourself and all your accomplishments.

    Evil people in your life shouldn’t win. The greatest way you can beat them is by just continuing to be you and being fulfilled in your life. I’m still figuring stuff out for myself, but after reading all this despite how hard it most of been to put all this out there, I just really hope you live an incredibly happy & safe life.

    You deserve nothing but good things in your life, Ivy. All the love, happiness, and joy in the world.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Thank you SO much for this deeply kind, heartfelt and wonderful message. It makes me happy to know I helped someone feel less alone in some way, especially in matters of suicide attempts.
      I’ve attempted a few times in my life and I DEEPLY understand.
      I know we can do this, we got this. We got this.
      The truth of the pain we have endured may be all consuming and threaten to take us out at times, but we get back up brush ourselves off and when we can, offer a hand to another in the same position we once were.
      You are so brave as well, thank you for existing and supporting me.

  15. Lara Avatar

    Hi Ivy,
    That was a really painful read, especially on Mother’s Day, oof. No child should have to go through what you did. My heart hurts for you. I’m glad you got through it much stronger.
    As a straight woman in LA I’ve always been very intrigued by what pornstars are actually like as people in real life. I’ve watched all your interviews and always thought you seemed down to earth and cool. I was really enjoying your unfiltered dainspochannel, but this blog is on a whole other level of raw. We’re not entitled to know any of that so thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your story.
    That Music Box scene made me extremely uncomfortable, I always wondered how consensual that was, but thought maybe you were down with it since some of your early scenes under Emma are very rough. But I figured it wasn’t very consensual after I read another girl exposing him with the EXACT experience you described. I’m sorry you went through that. Hope you all get justice one day.
    Congratulations on your career and your sobriety. Sending love to you and also to whoever that person was that got on the plane when you needed them, friends are chosen family 💛💛💛

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Wow!! Someone actually knew what scene it was?! That’s WILD. You’re right on the money. I feel so deeply validated and seen, thank you so much for this comment.

  16. Brian Avatar

    It’s easy to look at someone and say “they’re hot” and never understand the struggles going on inside.
    It’s a lot to process just reading it your story. I hope you continue to make your life better every day.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      exactly. hoping to humanize the internet and its many models one post at a time.

  17. Ken M Avatar
    Ken M

    Very sad what you have had to go through – but really admire your vulnerability and honest here.

    I always liked your energy and quirky ness – its what makes you – unique and special – so never lose that – your tribe will find you and appreciate you for the way you are!

    Like everyone Ive had a bit of childhood trauma but nothing to compare to even a fraction of what you described – unfortunately generational trauma is the “gift” that keeps on giving. No child should have to go through things like this – but sadly many do and often their parents have as well.

    Its a rare person who can overcome and choose a different path – replacing trauma with love and kindness

    Good luck on your journey – seems like you are a beautiful woman inside and out!

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Thank you for such a kind comment! I feel very seen.
      This quirky energy will never leave, thanks for supporting me <3

  18. Kevin Avatar

    You are inspiring. May your light guide you and help others find their way forward.

  19. David Avatar

    I am shocked and truly sorry for a lot of the things you have had to go through! No one deserves any of it. Having said that, it shows your strength and resistance in you that you’re even still here to tell your story. You truly are an inspiration and I congratulate you on being sober and taking care of yourself. If I could, I would give you a hug (with your permission, of course!).
    I wish you nothing but the best, and that your healing journey continues, because it is a journey. We all have things inside that we’re trying to overcome. You’re beautiful inside and out.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Thank you so much for supporting me!! 🙂 <3 My favorite line from an anime is about Royalty, and it says “If all your guards fail, you do not”
      We are capable of what we believe we are.

  20. Jared Avatar

    To be honest, I stumbled upon your website while I was on instagram, in which I was being mesmerized by beautiful women – as instagram does. Upon finding your instagram, then finding the site, I was excited, hoping to see what instagram couldn’t show me.

    To my surprise I got mesmerized by your story.. honestly I was hoping there was a link to a book you wrote. Either way, I’m blown away by your strength. I’m not sure I would be able to handle such trauma in the ways you have.

    You’ve left me with many thoughts, and certain changes in my perspective… some of which are towards a person who I will love until I die, my ex. She has suffered trauma similar to some of your experiences. Altho the toll on her mental health, doesn’t seem to improve, or maybe she’s too numb from all the medication. Or what I believe is she never learned how to feel each individual emotion, how to embrace them, how to feel, how to respect or to cope or to live with some emotions. I’m uncertain, but I certainly have some things to think about. The way she treated me, the way I treated her in response… maybe I could of been better. Better support..

    Anyways, it feels good to say a few things that were brought to my attention while reading your story. Sometimes writting one’s thoughts can help express oneself. Bring on new ideas, new thoughts..

    I have a great deal of respect for your bravery, courage and determination amongst many other traits you have – despite so much trauma. I wish you would have been my friend growing up.. in a selfish way, because I may have understood trauma better and not lost the love of my life. But moreso because I strive to be like you. Strong, resilient, intelligent, kind, courageous, with enough fight within the would bring most men to shame.

    I send you enormous spiritual waves of wellbeing success and a better tomorrow for the rest of your days. Take care, of yourself and to those who truly love you.

    A new fan who discovered a true hero,

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      I’m admittedly tearing up a bit, I’ve been watching the show Russian Doll, and being with myself and my thoughts a lot tonight.
      That’s really a beautiful comment, coming at such a beautiful perfect strange moment for me tonight. Thank you so much.
      These traumatic experiences and what they do to you, and however they shape you, good and bad, are strangely and sadly never truly understood by anyone who hasnt experienced similar. But your amount of compassion towards her and me anyways, shows a lot about you.
      Your desire to learn how to be of better support anyways, is world changing.
      Sometimes you have to be selfish and take care of yourself, especially with someone who has been incapable of growing and improving and being healthier for you if thats what she was.
      We cant break ourselves in the process of trying to help others.
      But we can let our recognition and desire to understand their pain, guide us to be better people.
      You’re amazing <3 Thank you for supporting

  21. 4driannes Avatar

    Hello, I speak Spanish (Mexico) and it took me a while to read your text. I can only say that I would like to be more like you and have a heart as big as yours. It hurts me a lot to find out and not imagine how horrible the porn industry is. TKM, your mouth must taste like love because you are still good and have the heart of a (big) whale 🐳

  22. Michael Conway Avatar
    Michael Conway

    Ivy first I’d like to thank you for sharing your truth and choosing to stay strong and be here on earth with us. The beginning of your story actually got to me and forced me to tear up and cry. I don’t care if anyone thinks I’m weak for doing so. Rape and assault should always be to seriously and those responsible for such acts should prosecuted to fullest extent of the law. Both of my sisters were raped, my big sister was during high school and almost no one believed her except our Mom, and Dads (different fathers) Later in life my little sister was at a party, drugged and raped but also brutally beaten, breaking her jaw, and left for dead naked on the southside of Las Vegas Blvd. My mother was raped and stabbed 8 times from someone who climbed through her window. She played dead so he left. My mom and sisters are partially the reason why I chose not to have children, it’s the whole generational curse thing, I couldn’t stay a freeman if that were to happen to a daughter, and I couldn’t live with myself if a son were to do such a horrible thing to another human being. I’m grateful for my mom staying alive to bring me to life, and I’m grateful for you sharing your truth. Thank you for being you. From the bottom of my heart, you are worthy and deserving of pure and innocent love.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Wow, just wow. Thank you so much for sharing all that with me, and opening your heart in this little comment section.

      I really agree with you, and crying is not sign of weakness but that of strength. It takes a lot of strength to be willing to feel.

      I know there is hope, and I know there has to be a reason I have incarnated into all of this.
      I hope you find yours too, I know we can do this <3

      For love <3

  23. Michael Conway Avatar
    Michael Conway

    Thank you so much for your loving and accepting nature, thank you for your kindness and encouragement. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, and yes we can do this! <3 back at you.

    <3 for the love you give may you receive 10X in return.

  24. Maen alshamali Avatar
    Maen alshamali

    The glory of you in succeeding was zero
    But you kept dreaming and kept moving forward with every fall you will learn a million thing with every break you will earn a million new piece
    You kept going and going and going no matter what
    Nothing will stop you know
    You have reached to it
    After reading everything and doing the dive in to your life
    I believe that you will save people from themselves and from others
    You have the power the full power to do so
    You have the wisdom of Athena and the strength of hercules
    I have been around for a while now and only god knows how much your existence changed in me
    Your energy heals other
    Your kindness is pure
    You are pure
    And your heart is clean
    And your soul is beautiful
    I am another nobody but I really want to say that I am proud of you
    I am proud of Ivy
    I am proud of her
    She found her universe and she is controlling it for herself to herself with herself
    That’s what greatness looks like
    I appreciate that I was born in the ear of the legend herself Ivy
    Thank you so much for sharing your story
    And thank you Ivy for everything

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      Wow…. I cannot express what this means to me.
      This comment is so beautiful it puts me at a loss for words.
      Just know you made me cry, you made me emotional, reading it.

      Like the most perfect encouragement I could ever receive.

      Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

      Thank you.

  25. Jack LeCoeur Avatar

    Thank you so much for writing your story. We have talked a couple of times and sorry for sounding like a broken record but Ivy you’re so awesome. Thank you for being so open and raw. I love when you wrote ‘ People think you aren’t supposed to talk about what you’ve been through, but I think that’s another story perpetrated by abusers who wanna keep hiding.’ I think you 100% right. There is an aversion to the truth. People don’t want to hear it and it is my suggested to everyonento stay far away from those who don’t want to hear true stories about pain, trauma, and growth. Ivy, your story,,, anyone’s story will help others through their trauma. I know your story helps me in my work as a therapist and other commenters. In the field we often talk about group therapy and the crux of groups is to open the acenue of information between people dealing with the same problems. Your story will serve as the survival guide for someone else. Guaranteed. You’ve tapped into something truly divine. Love seeing your story unfold. As you said, don’t stop,m. You’re so powerful.

    – Jack

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      oh my goodness thank you so much! this makes me feel so supported, im glad we stand with a fiery torch rebelliously sharing our story so that others can have a guidebook and reference point in some form.
      You’re awesome

  26. Mustaga Avatar

    Whoah, this is brutal, sorry about that.

    1. ivywolfesworld Avatar

      made me the glorious woman I am <3

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